We at GLA have undertaken concerted efforts to align our R&D focus with the national goals of achieving technological competence and self-reliance.
The faculty and students undertake research projects in the thriving areas of science, engineering, management and technology. Apart from conducting a fundamental research, many R&D projects offer opportunities to tackle live problems.
Research Initiatives at Gla University
The key goal of GLA University is to create an atmosphere for the students, where higher studies, specialized research projects and effectual training can transpire.In a very short span of time, various departments of the University have come together to collaboratively concentrate on the expansion and improvement of research and development (R&D). To achieve technological proficiency and interdependence, the faculty members and students carry out regular projects to test and apply advanced knowledge for the progression and growth of the section.The expansion and advancement of any industry lies on innovation and modernization, which comes from new thoughts & ideas and open learning cultures. Students, under the guidance of the faculty members, undertake research projects in core areas of Applied Sciences, Engineering, Pharmacy and Management.
GLA University’s strong institutional ties with other academic organizations, R&D organizations and industries have led to research collaboration in areas of mutual interest, exchange of invitations for guest lectures and talks, training programs and seminars. In addition, the University also grants seed funds to the interested faculty members for initiating research with the government and other funding agencies.
Sponsored research and development projects
Consultancy projects
Partnership with industries and R&D organisations
R&D initiation (Seed) grants
Publication and information dissemination
Organisation of seminars and workshops, conferences and research colloquium
Formation of research groups
Study of subsurface VLF electric field emissions associated with earthquakes
Development and classification of organic electronic material
Evidence based support for efficacy of homeopathic remedy, “Nux Vomica” through pharmalogical studies and elucidation of its mechanism of action using Gene Expressing Profiling.
Tribology of metal forming process
Thin film materials
Development and characterization of metallic foams and composites
Productivity enhancement through Lean/agile/virtual/sustainable manufacturing