NATIONAL CADET CORPS (10 UP Btn, Mathura) @ GLA University, Mathutra
The Youth of the country are the future of India. NCC is the organisation to install the values of "Unity and Discipline"- the Motto of the National Cadet Corps.
The GLA University has established active National Cadet Corps (NCC) unit, namely 2 Tps of 1/10 Coy, Army Wing, 10 UP BTN, Mathura, in University Campus in the year 2018, with the basic aim of developing the character qualities in the youth to make them good citizens of the society and worthy leaders of the future in every walk of life. The University NCC has a unit of 100 cadets in Senior Division Wing (Boys and Girls both). The students are actively taking part in all NCC activities such as training in drill, first aid, map reading, Public awareness rallies, etc. The cadets are sent to attend National Integration Camp, Republic Day Camp and Annual Training camp at different places. One can easily identify the NCC cadets in a job because an NCC cadet looks confident, disciplined, and helpful and easily accepts the additional responsibilities.
Benefits of NCC Certificate Holders:
It gives the impression that you have contributed to nation building.
It improves your resume and chances of success in the interview stage.
It gives basic education to high level military training, which helps student in finding out that they are suitable to pursue nations’ security as their career in the future.
Other than just military training the students also learn several other valuable things such as selflessness, self-discipline,nesty, hard work and ways to build confidence, gain leadership qualities and problem-solving skills.
Those who attended the Republic Day Camp (RDC), may get chance to participate in the Republic Day Parade.
It gives advantage in Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Examination.
It helps in NDA Exam.
It is useful for entrance exam to join defense field like Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force.
Eligible for SSC without even qualifying for a CDS written exam. All they have to do is clear the SSB interview.
In addition to all aforementioned benefits, NCC experience is one different from all others!