Admission Inquiry

Gloud Club

Name of the Club : Gloud

  • This club is the technical wing of the departmental society ABACUS

Aim and Objectives

The Club shall have the following objectives:

  • Gloud is a dedicated society for the cloud computing in GLA University. The objective of club is to organize the events to aware the students about powerful ICT infrastructure for reliable and effective delivery of data-intensive storage services, facilitating the convergence of ICT, media and telecommunications.
  • This society will support the students to understand the services and deployment complexity of cloud computing.

Faculty Coordinator

  • Mr. Vivek Sharma

Who can join?

  • The membership of the Society is open to all the students of B.Tech (CSE), MCA, BCA and M.Tech (CSE) (Must be the member of ABACUS).


  • Through the activities on this club, students would get connected with research institutes and industries.
  • To promote the adoption and use of cloud-based technologies by students to compete with industry expectation.

Road Map

  • Coordinating and supporting the knowledge transfer activities base of cloud research results in different projects and thus shortening the learning cycle, deployment time and reducing cost.
  • To achieve its mission, the Gloud organizes the cloud based seminar, workshops and Guest lectures by pioneers in the field of cloud computing.


  • Upgrade students with modern technological advancements in the field of cloud computing