International Journals
01 Pathak P., Dwivedi V. K., Sharma A.,” Numerical solution of load bearing capacity of journal bearing using shape function”,in Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering,,pp.295-030,Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.
02Bansal N., Bansal A., Deolia V.K., Pathak P., “Comparative Analysis of Digital Watermarking Techniques”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 438, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0767-5_13, Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016.
03 Pathak P, Dwivedi V. K.,“Performance of Supply Chain in an Uncertain Environment is using Fuzzy Logic”, International Journal on Design and Manufacturing Technologies: Volume9, No 2(2015), pp.1-5,ISSN 0973-9106.
04Bansal N., Bansal A., Deolia V.K., Pathak P., “Performance Evaluation of LSB Technique for Digital Watermarking” International Journal of Information & Computation Technology (IJICT): Volume 4, No. 13, 2014, pp. 1237-1244, ISSN: 0974-2239.
05Saraswat, R, Agarwal, S, Pathak, P. “Collective Authentication of Humanoid Groups on The Basis Of Fingerprint Minutiae Extraction and Numerical Mapping” International Journal of Information & Computation Technology (IJICT): Volume 3, No. 3, 2013, pp. 205-208, ISSN: 0974-2239.
06 Pathak P, Dwivedi V. K., “Fuzzy Based Pricing Models for Old Age Insurance” International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems (IJFLS): Volume 3, No. 1, 2013, pp. 47-54, ISSN: 1839-6283.
07Kumar S., Pathak P. ,“Fuzzy Based Bonus –Malus System for Premium Decision in Car Insurance.” International Review of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IRPAM): Volume 6, No. 1, 2010, pp. 77-88, ISSN: 0973-1350.
08Kumar S., Pathak P., “Cardio Vascular Health Insurance Using Fuzzy Approach.” International Review of Fuzzy Mathematics (IRFM): Volume 5, No. 2, 2010, pp.25-39, ISSN: 0973-4392.
Papers Published in the Proceedings of International Conferences
01 Pathak P., Dwivedi V. K., Sharma A.,” Numerical solution of load bearing capacity of journal bearing using shape function” In the Proceedings of International Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow Held at NIT Warangal, January 19-21, 2018.
02Yadav A., Pathak P., Dwivedi V.K., “ Uncertainity in Supply Chain Management using Artificial Neural Network”, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Design, Materials & Manufacturing concepts in Production of Quality Engineering Goods held at HBTU, Kanpur, March 27-29,2017, ISBN: 978-93-86256-70-6.
03Rai A., Pathak P., Dwivedi V.K., “Green Supply Chain Management Using Fuzzy Set Theory Under Uncertainty”, In the Proceedings of the XX Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management (SOM-2016), held at ABV-IIITM, Gwalior, India, December 22-24,2016.
04Bansal N., Bansal A., Deolia V.K., Pathak P., “Comparative Analysis of Digital Watermarking Technique”, In the Proceedings of the International congress on “Information and communication Technology” (ICICT 2015) , held at Hotel Golden tulip, Udaipur, INDIA, October 9-10,2015.
05Bansal N., Bansal A., Deolia V.K., Pathak P., “Comparative Analysis of LSB, DCT and DWT for Digital Watermarking”, In the Proceedings of the 9thINDIACom; INDIACom-2015; IEEE Conference ID: 35071 2015 2nd International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, held at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Application and Management, New Delhi, March, 11-13, 2015, ISBN: 978-93-80544-15-1.
06 Pathak P., Bansal N., Singh S., “Mulyankan: A Prediction for Student’s Performance Using Neural Network”, In the Proceedings of the 9thINDIACom; INDIACom-2015; IEEE Conference ID: 35071 2015 2nd International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, held at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Application and Management, New Delhi, March, 11-13, 2015, ISBN: 978-93-80544-15-1.
07 Pathak P, Dwivedi V. K., “Performance of Supply Chain in an Uncertain Environment is using Fuzzy Logic”, In the Proceeding of International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineering: Advancements and Current Trends, held at MANIT Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, Nov. 27-29, 2014, ISBN: 978-93-84935-03-0.
08Bansal N., Bansal A., Deolia V.K., Pathak P., “Digital Image Watermarking Using Least Significant Bit Technique in Different Positions”, In the Proceeding of Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, held at Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University, Udaipur, Nov. 14-16, 2014, IEEE Computer Society (CPS), Order Number E5354, ISBN-13:978-1-4799-6929-6.
09Kumar S., Pathak P., “Claim Validation System- Fuzzy Approach.” In the proceeding of International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing, of International Rough Sets Society and Indian Society for Fuzzy Mathematics & Information held at Department of Mathematics, University of Tripura, Nov.5-7, 2009, ISBN: 8183874177.
Papers Published in the Proceedings of National Conferences / Seminars
01Garg S., Dixit A, Upadhyay A, Pathak P., “ Book Recommendation Using Opinion Mining: In the proceedings of National Conference on “Recent Advances in Information and Communication Tecnologies”(RAICT-2017), held at Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur, March 25-26, 2017.
02Bansal N., Bansal A., Deolia V.K., Pathak P., “Comparative Study of Different Edge Detectors Used in Edge Detection” In the proceedings of 7th National Conference on Computing for Nation Development, held at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Application and Management, New Delhi, March, 07-08, 2013, ISBN: 978-93-80544-06-0
03Dwivedi, V. K., Chahar, A. S., Pathak, P., “Modeling of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for Fuzzy Proportional derivative (FDP) control” In the proceeding of National Conference on Achieving Excellence for Industrial Competitiveness (AEIC),GLA University Mathura, 19-20 January 2013.
04Dwivedi, V. K., Tiwari, M., Pathak, P., “Implementing Fuzzy Logic for Prediction of Power Generation of small scale vertical Axis Wing Turbine” In the proceeding of National Conference on Achieving Excellence for Industrial Competitiveness (AEIC),GLA University Mathura, 19-20 January 2013.
05Dwivedi, V. K., Sharma D., Pathak, P., “Decision for Gate Limiter of a Hydro Power Plant Based on Fuzzy Logic” In the proceeding of National Conference on Achieving Excellence for Industrial Competitiveness (AEIC),GLA University Mathura, 19-20 January 2013.
06Bansal N., Pathak P., “A Review of Applications of Neural Network In Watermarking” In the proceeding of 7th National Conference on Advancement of Technologies- Information Systems & Computer Networks , held at GLA University, Mathura, May 9-12, 2012 And In International Journal of Computer Application, ISSN: 0975-8887.
07Gupta A., Lavania A.,Maheswari K., Singh P., Pathak P., “Character and Numeric Value Recognition System Using Back Propagation Algorithm” In the proceeding of National Conference on Latest Trends and Innovation in Computing , held at AISECT University, Bhopal, November 17-18, 2011, ISBN: 987-93-81358-00-9.
08Agarwal D., Maheswari K., Pathak P., “Wavelets and Its Application” In the proceeding of National Conference on Latest Trends and Innovation in Computing , held at AISECT University, Bhopal, November 17-18, 2011, ISBN: 987-93-81358-00-9.
09Rastogi R., Pathak P., “Competency Mapping for Team Configuration using fuzzy approach” (Presented) In National Conference on governance in the 21th Century: Challenges and Prospects, Dr.B. R. Ambedker University, Agra, February 12-14, 2011.
10Kumar S., Pathak P., “Premium Allocation –Fuzzy Approach in Insurance Business.” In the proceeding of 3rd National Conference on Computing for Nation Development, held at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Application and Management, New Delhi, February 26-27, 2009,ISBN: 978-81-904526-6-3
11Kumar S., Pathak P., “Fuzzy Logic Approach to Identify Profitable Policy Holder.” In the proceeding of 4th National Conference on Innovative Development in Engineering Application, held at Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sangrur, March 26-27, 2009.