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International Conference on
“One Health Initiative: Harmonizing Human, Animal and Environmental Health (OHI-2023)”
Jan 18-20, 2024

About OHI

GLA University, Mathura is pleased to announce Annual Convention of Society for Immunology and Immunopathology and International conference (SIIPCON-2023) on “One Health Initiative: Harmonizing Human, Animal and Environmental Health (OHI-2023)” to be held from January 18-20, 2024. The Centre for Vaccines and Diagnostic Research and Department of Biotechnology, GLA University, Mathura are jointly organizing this event with Society for Immunology and Immunopathology (SIIP). GLA University is premier University of the Country. GLA University envisions as a pace-setting university of Academic Excellence focused on education, research and development in established and emerging professions. University is home to more than 12000 students enrolled in a variety of professional courses. Students come from all over the country; from every ethnic and religious background; and from across the economic spectrum. SIIP was established with the aim to provide a forum for its members to participate in conventions/ symposia/ workshops/ training etc. and to provide a recent updated literature in the form of journal/ newsletter. The society will provide a common platform for mutual exchange of ideas. SIIP members include; veterinarians, medicos, immunologists and scientists working in the different fields of Immunology and Immunopathology. The members belong to various research institutes, universities and industries from all over the country as well as international members.

Today’s world is facing challenging issues of population growth, climate changes, decreasing land and its use, energy issues, emergence of new pathogens etc have a huge impact on the collective health of world. These led to rise of issues of health (animal, plant and human beings), food security, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), environmental safety etc. To overcome these issues, One Health approach has taken lot of reputation during the last decade. With the time, there is growing understanding that there is One Society, One Life, and One Planet. This approach advocates larger cross-sectoral collaboration and participation at the human-animal-plant-environment interface. It is getting more and more recognition that human health is intrinsically linked to animal, plant, and environmental health. Therefore, it has to be taken together for the sustainable development.

One Health concept bring together different stakeholders and works by designing and implementing programmes, developing policies and legislation with a multidisciplinary research approach to deliver the best possible public health outcomes on a global scale. The cohort of massive deforestation (due to industrialization and demand for agriculture land), intensive farming and uncontrolled use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides etc (to meet food security), extensive use of antibiotics (resulting in AMR) along with extensive urbanization and migration have resulted in environmental imbalance but also rise in disease occurrence and their quick spread across the globe. These are asking for the implementation of One Health approach to overcome the changes occurring in society.

One Health is a collaborative, trans-disciplinary and, multi-sectoral approach that is applied at the local, regional, national, and global scales with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes by recognizing the interconnection among people, animals, plants, and their shared environment/ ecosystem. This synergistic concept has tremendous potential to combat global challenges of present times like AMR, pandemic preparedness, food safety, bio-security and climate change. With the learning from ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, One Health concept could be the key player to prevent future pandemics and ascertain implementations of steps are needed.

OHI-2023 is planned to bring academia, researchers, scholars, industry, policy makers and other stakeholders on the same platform to discuss the recent updates on the topic. We are sure that participants will have awesome experience from the conference and will find the event useful for planning of future research. GLA University extends a very warm welcome to attend and participate in OHI-2023 and enjoy the hospitality and tourism of Mathura, Vrindavan and Agra.

Organizing Team OHI-2023/ SIIPCON-2023 !